यह एक पौराणिक कथा है। कुबेर तीनों लोकों में सबसे धनी थे। एक दिन उन्होंने सोचा कि हमारे पास इतनी संपत्ति है, लेकिन कम ही लोगों को इसकी जानकारी है। इसलिए उन्होंने अपनी संपत्ति का प्रदर्शन करने के लिए एक भव्य भोज का आयोजन करने की बात सोची। उस में तीनों लोकों के सभी देवताओं को आमंत्रित किया गया।l
भगवान शिव उनके इष्ट देवता थे, इसलिए उनका आशीर्वाद लेने वह कैलाश पहुंचे और कहा, प्रभो! आज मैं तीनों लोकों में सबसे धनवान हूं, यह सब आप की कृपा का फल है। अपने निवास पर एक भोज का आयोजन करने जा रहा हूँ, कृपया आप परिवार सहित भोज में पधारने की कृपा करे।
भगवान शिव कुबेर के मन का अहंकार ताड़ गए, बोले, वत्स! मैं बूढ़ा हो चला हूँ, कहीं बाहर नहीं जाता। कुबेर गिड़गिड़ाने लगे, भगवन! आपके बगैर तो मेरा सारा आयोजन बेकार चला जाएगा। तब शिव जी ने कहा, एक उपाय है। मैं अपने बेटे गणपति को तुम्हारे भोज में जाने को कह दूंगा। कुबेर संतुष्ट होकर लौट आए। नियत समय पर कुबेर ने भव्य भोज का आयोजन किया।
तीनों लोकों के देवता पहुंच चुके थे। अंत में गणपति आए और आते ही कहा, मुझको बहुत तेज भूख लगी है। भोजन कहां है। कुबेर उन्हें ले गए भोजन से सजे कमरे में। सोने की थाली में भोजन परोसा गया। क्षण भर में ही परोसा गया सारा भोजन खत्म हो गया। दोबारा खाना परोसा गया, उसे भी खा गए। बार-बार खाना परोसा जाता और क्षण भर में गणेश जी उसे चट कर जाते।
थोड़ी ही देर में हजारों लोगों के लिए बना भोजन खत्म हो गया, लेकिन गणपति का पेट नहीं भरा। वे रसोईघर में पहुंचे और वहां रखा सारा कच्चा सामान भी खा गए, तब भी भूख नहीं मिटी। जब सब कुछ खत्म हो गया तो गणपति ने कुबेर से कहा, जब तुम्हारे पास मुझे खिलाने के लिए कुछ था ही नहीं तो तुमने मुझे न्योता क्यों दिया था? कुबेर का अहंकार चूर-चूर हो गया।
It is a legend. Kubera was the richest in the three worlds. They thought that we have such a property a day, but few people are aware of it. Therefore, the performance of his property to the thought of a grand feast. All the gods were invited in the three worlds. L
His deity Shiva, so he went to receive the blessings he said Kailash, Prbho! Today I am the richest of the three worlds, it is the fruit of grace you. I'm going to a feast at his residence, just to please you goes to dinner with family.
The arrogance of the mind of Mammon palm Shiva, said, Watts! I am getting old, is not out of nowhere. Mammon started babbling, Lord! Without you my entire event will go to waste. Then Shiva said, is a remedy. I'll tell my son to go to dinner in your Ganapati. Kubera returned satisfied. At the appointed time the grand hosted Mammon.
Lord of the three worlds were reached. Finally came the fall called Ganapati, has me very hungry. Where is the food. Kuber took them decorated dining room. The food served in gold plate. Over all food served in a moment. Again the food was served, it was eaten. Meal times and in a moment go Ganesha ate.
Cooked food for thousands of people in a short time is over, but not a full stomach of Ganapati. They arrived in the kitchen and eat the raw materials were all taken, then not gone hungry. When everything was finished Kuber by Ganapathy said, when you had to feed me, why did not you invite me? Mammon's ego was shattered.
It is a legend. Kubera was the richest in the three worlds. They thought that we have such a property a day, but few people are aware of it. Therefore, the performance of his property to the thought of a grand feast. All the gods were invited in the three worlds. L
His deity Shiva, so he went to receive the blessings he said Kailash, Prbho! Today I am the richest of the three worlds, it is the fruit of grace you. I'm going to a feast at his residence, just to please you goes to dinner with family.
The arrogance of the mind of Mammon palm Shiva, said, Watts! I am getting old, is not out of nowhere. Mammon started babbling, Lord! Without you my entire event will go to waste. Then Shiva said, is a remedy. I'll tell my son to go to dinner in your Ganapati. Kubera returned satisfied. At the appointed time the grand hosted Mammon.
Lord of the three worlds were reached. Finally came the fall called Ganapati, has me very hungry. Where is the food. Kuber took them decorated dining room. The food served in gold plate. Over all food served in a moment. Again the food was served, it was eaten. Meal times and in a moment go Ganesha ate.
Cooked food for thousands of people in a short time is over, but not a full stomach of Ganapati. They arrived in the kitchen and eat the raw materials were all taken, then not gone hungry. When everything was finished Kuber by Ganapathy said, when you had to feed me, why did not you invite me? Mammon's ego was shattered.
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