जो भी अनुरागी जन हैं वे लाख प्रतिभाओं को अपने मे भले ही समेटे हों, लेकिन यदि वे एक-दूसरे से प्रेम करेंगें तो बदले मे "आलिंगन, चुम्बन" के द्वारा अपना ही समर्पण करेंगे ! अपनी प्रतिभाओं का तो नही ! क्योंकि प्रेम अधिकार चाहता है, वह जो कुछ देता है उसके बदले मे कुछ पाने की अपेक्षा भी रखता है ! शुद्ध, निर्मल और पवित्र प्रेम की अपनी एक मर्यादा भी होती है ! वह कहीं भी और किसी भी परिस्थिति मे अपने प्रिय के समक्ष अपना प्रदर्शन नही करने लगता ! ऐसा तो केवल पशु प्रवृत्तियों मे पाया जाता है ! मानवीय प्रवृत्ति मे नही ! मानवीय प्रवृत्ति मे तो प्रेमी जन अपने प्रेम का प्रदर्शन एकांत मे ही किया करते है ! प्रेम तो संवेदनाओं से प्रौढ़ होता है ! भीड़ मे प्रदर्शन से नही ! प्रेम की भी एक निश्चित सीमा-रेखा तय की जाती है, संसकारों और सामाजिक व्यवस्थाओं के द्वारा ! क्योंकि इस जगत मे कोई भी वस्तु, जो समाज को प्रभावित करती हो उसे पूर्णतया स्वछ्न्द नही रखा गया है ! उसके स्वतंत्रता की एक सीमा रेखा तय है, वह उसके अन्दर ही रह सकता है ! एक ही घर मे स्नान-ध्यान और भोजन-शयन आदि सब कुछ होता है, परन्तु सभी कार्यों के लिए निश्चित स्थान बनाए गये होते हैं, कमरों के रूप मे ! उन कमरों का अस्तित्व भी तभी होता है, जब वे चारो तरफ से दीवारों से घिरे हों ! प्रेम के प्रदर्शन को ले कर कुछ तर्क प्रस्तुत करते हैं कि अमुक-अमुक स्थानो पर ऐसा ही होता है ! तो भई वहाँ होता होगा, वहाँ की सामाजिक व्यवस्था वैसी ही होगी ! पर जहाँ की नही है तो वहाँ उस जैसा स्वीकार नही ही होगा न ! बाज को देखकर हंस भी शिकार पर निकल पड़ेगा तो कैसे सम्भव होगा ! क्योंकि हंस के पास बाज के जैसे मजबूत चोंच और पंजे नही होते, न ही उतनी तेज रक्त की प्यास ! और यदि यह सब कुछ वह प्राप्त करना भी चाहेगा तो, सदियों लग जाएँगें ! प्राप्त भी कर ले, तो भी संदेह ही रहेगा कि वह बाज बन पाएगा अथवा नही ! कारण, अब तक तो वह हंस बन कर ही जीता रहा ! उसके अन्दर शुद्ध, सात्विक और पवित्र प्रवित्तियों का ही संचार, जो अब तक होता रहा ! लेकिन यह ज़रूर तय होगा कि वह पहले वाला हंस तो कतई नही रह जाएगा ! जो कभी शुद्ध और निर्मल सरोवर मे वास किया करता था ! वह त्रिशंकु की भाँति आधार मे ही लटका रहेगा ! जिसकी टपकी हुई लार से एक और कर्मनाशा का उद्गम हो सकता है, जिसके गन्दे और फेनिल तीव्र प्रवाह मे सामाजिक व्यवस्थाएँ, संसकार और देश की महान गौरवमयी गरिमा के दुर्ग की प्राचीर बह ज़रूर सकती है !
There are also people who devoted his talents in million even if they are boasting, but in exchange they should love one another "hug, kiss" will surrender himself by! See if your talent! To the right is the love, he gives in return is also expected to get some! Pure, serene and dignity is one of pure love! Anywhere and under any circumstances do not think my performance in front of my beloved! It is found only in animal tendencies! Not in human nature! In human nature, people love the lover is performed only in solitude! Adult emotions are love! Not to perform in the crowd! Love is a certain threshold set, and social systems by Snskaron! Anything in this world, which affects society has not put her full Swcnd! Set a threshold of his freedom, he can live inside him! In a home-care and food-bedroom bath is Everything, but all functions are designed to maintain certain location, as well as! The existence of those rooms is only when they are surrounded by walls from all sides! Love to take the performance of some argue that it is certain-certain places! Well there would then, there will be the same social system! So there's not where it will not be accepted as not! Eagle will get to see how the victim should be able to laugh! The swan's beak and claws are not as strong as the eagle, nor the faster the blood thirsty! And if you want it to receive all the ages that will be looking! Also received, then the suspicion that he will only be able to be stopped or not! Because, so far only as he lived to laugh! In its pure, virtuous and holy Prvittion only communication, which is still going! But it must be determined that he is not the first and certainly will be left with a goose! Pure and serene lake which once used to live in! He hung on like a base will hang! Was she drop the saliva may be another source of Karmnasha which flows dirty and frothy acute social arrangements, values and dignity of the country's great glorious ramparts of the fort is definitely flowing!
There are also people who devoted his talents in million even if they are boasting, but in exchange they should love one another "hug, kiss" will surrender himself by! See if your talent! To the right is the love, he gives in return is also expected to get some! Pure, serene and dignity is one of pure love! Anywhere and under any circumstances do not think my performance in front of my beloved! It is found only in animal tendencies! Not in human nature! In human nature, people love the lover is performed only in solitude! Adult emotions are love! Not to perform in the crowd! Love is a certain threshold set, and social systems by Snskaron! Anything in this world, which affects society has not put her full Swcnd! Set a threshold of his freedom, he can live inside him! In a home-care and food-bedroom bath is Everything, but all functions are designed to maintain certain location, as well as! The existence of those rooms is only when they are surrounded by walls from all sides! Love to take the performance of some argue that it is certain-certain places! Well there would then, there will be the same social system! So there's not where it will not be accepted as not! Eagle will get to see how the victim should be able to laugh! The swan's beak and claws are not as strong as the eagle, nor the faster the blood thirsty! And if you want it to receive all the ages that will be looking! Also received, then the suspicion that he will only be able to be stopped or not! Because, so far only as he lived to laugh! In its pure, virtuous and holy Prvittion only communication, which is still going! But it must be determined that he is not the first and certainly will be left with a goose! Pure and serene lake which once used to live in! He hung on like a base will hang! Was she drop the saliva may be another source of Karmnasha which flows dirty and frothy acute social arrangements, values and dignity of the country's great glorious ramparts of the fort is definitely flowing!
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